Health Prfessionals

Colorectal Cancer: Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome

Patient Identification

Relevant Past Medical History

Family History


Counseling and Risk Assessment Session


  • Increase colonoscopy to every 2 years along with an upper endoscopy of the small bowel.
  • Continue annual mammogram and clinical breast exam.
  • Screening for pancreatic cancer was mentioned, along with the controversy over screening recommendations.
  • For the daughter, begin colonoscopy and upper endoscopy of the small bowel at age 12 and continue every 2 years.
  • For the son, screening can wait.


Provider Questions

  1. If people had recognized that Cathy had Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome at the time her breast cancer was diagnosed, should she have had a bilateral mastectomy?
    We have calculated the risk for breast cancer several times and it is high. When we looked over the case reports, there was a significant number of people with bilateral breast cancer. When Cathy asked about prophylactic mastectomy, we told her she should consider it. Her surgeon had also mentioned it to her as an option.
  2. Does melanoma have any relation with Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome? Are the dark areas related to sun exposure?
    As far as we know, the appearance of the pigmented areas is not related to sun exposure; however, as to their disappearance, we don't know. Freckling on the lips definitely does go away, but some of the other pigmented areas like on the digits do not appear to fade.

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