Cancer Registry line
Information About Our Registry

What is the MACGN Registry?

The registry is a list of people who have had cancer or have a family history of cancer. These people may benefit from receiving information on research in hereditary cancer. The registry is part of a large network which acts as a clearinghouse. It allows people to find doctors who specialize in cancer and helps scientists find people who may be interested in volunteering for research studies.

Your privacy is respected.

What are some benefits of being included in MACGN?

Who can participate in MACGN?

What will you be asked to do?

What are some of the questions the MACGN will try to address?

How can I participate?

For more information, contact the:

Mid-Atlantic Cancer Genetics Network
Reed Hall West, Suite 3-306
Toll free: 1-877-880-6188
or, link to the Public Enrollment Form


© 2001-2 Mid-Atlantic Cancer Genetics Network modified 9/8/04 Privacy Statement Questions/Comments