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What are the costs associated with genetic counseling and testing?

Fees for genetic counseling vary from institution to institution and may range from $100-$300, or more. In general, health insurance does not cover the cost of genetic counseling, but again, this will vary depending on the coverage and the type of service provided. Exceptions include Kaiser-Permenante and Aetna/US Healthcare which have agreed to cover the cost of counseling along with genetic testing under certain circumstances.

Genetic testing can be expensive, with full sequencing of BRCA1 and BRCA2 costing $2400.00. However, insurance coverage for genetic testing is improving and many insurance companies are now paying for BRCA1/2 testing, as well as other cancer genetic tests. This, of course, will vary among the different insurance companies.

Both Kaiser and Aetna have guidelines for referring patients for counseling and testing.



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